What is the Wham Bam Resin HotBox?
The Wham Bam HotBox is a lightweight, easy to assemble 3D printer enclosure created for users of resin printers to get more consistent results and fewer failures with a better controlled ambient temperature. Almost every resin prints better at specific temperature ranges, especially the higher-performance and exotic resins.
The HotBox is made of high-grade Nylon 600D fabric with fire-resistant coating and lined with a metallic heat deflecting internal liner that sandwiches around a strong, lightweight honeycomb insulating structure. In addition to temperature control, this enclosure helps to trap fumes, reduce sound, and has a built-in port to add fume extraction.

Quick & Easy To Install Or Store
No tools needed for install, takes only seconds to zip up. Folds up flat, easy to store and transport!

Get The Features You Need Without The Limitations
Have the flexibility to access your enclosure, run cables, and vent fumes all with a lightweight, fold away solution!

Resin HotBox
The Resin HotBox is 330mm wide x 330mm deep x 580mm tall and fits many small to medium sized resin printers, click here to see the full list.

Resin HotBox Mega
The Resin HotBox Mega is 450mm wide x 450mm deep x 635mm tall and fits many medium to large printers, click here to see the full list.

Accessories for Resin HotBox Line

HotBox for FDM
Our HotBox Line is also available for FDM printers!